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martedì 10 maggio 2016


Valenton's plant is one of the largest water treatments plants in Europe, dealing with the wastewater produced every day by almost 9 million inhabitants of the Paris region. The BioGNVAL industrial demonstrator is the first of its kind in France to reuse the biogas from the treatment of wastewater as liquid biofuel (bioLNG), a renewable energy that is easy to store and transport. 

This innovation is made possible by the cryogenic process developed by Cryo Pur that purifies the   biogas by separating its components - methane and CO2 - to produce biomethane, which is then   transformed into liquid biofuel. 

The Cryo Pur industrial demonstrator was built in partnership with SUEZ-Environnement as part of the BioGNVal project, and partially funded by the 'Invest in the Future' program run by the ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency). The demonstrator performs biogas upgrading and biomethane liquefaction on biogas from sewage sludge, as well as the separation of bioCO2. The demonstrator is dimensioned for a nominal debit of 120 Nm3/h of biogas. 
 During 2014, the demonstrator successfully performed all of its functions at the CNPP public utility site at Vernon: Cryogenic CO2 capture ,  Biomethane liquefaction  and Nitrogen and oxygen separation .


Yesteday in France, at the Valenton plant (Val-de-Marne), Belaïde Bedreddine, the President of the inter-departmental syndicate for the sanitation of the Paris conurbation (SIAAP) with the administrators and Jean-Louis Chaussade, CEO of SUEZ, presented BioGNVAL, the innovation that transforms a part of the wastewater in the Paris region into liquid biofuel. 

The tour took place in the presence of Chantal Jouanno, Vice-President of the Ile-de-France region, Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor of Paris, Joëlle Colosio, Ile-de-France Regional Director of the French Environment and EnergyManagement Agency, the officials of Val-de-Marne and all the companies that took part in the project (ENGIE, IVECO, Cryo Pur, Thermoking).


Denis Clodic, President and founder of Cryo Pur, member of the French Academy of Technologies, and co-winner of the 2007Nobel Peace Prize for his work with IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) will be available to answer questions.


To find out more about Cryo Pur : 


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