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domenica 31 gennaio 2016
The World Organization for International Relations (WOIR) warns that without more significant actions there might be abrupt climate changes that would be very disruptive for society.
«The threshold may be reached in 2040: this year's decisions shape the next 24 years» claims Emilia Lordi-Jantus, Secretary-General of the World Organization for International Relations.
From melting polar ice caps to rising sea levels, the evidence is overwhelming: climate change is happening. "But the current environmental degradation and the consequent rising temperatures show us that there is also a strong and complex relationship between climate/environment and the social and economic stability" claims the World Organization for International Relations (WOIR).
Indeed, sustainable development and eradication of poverty are so intertwined with climate change, and increasingly behind conflicts that afflict the world there are deterioration of living conditions and lack of food availability caused by climate change and the reckless management of natural resources.
If people do nothing to minimize the impacts of climate change, the WOIR warns that the average surface temperature of the planet will probably increase this century by 4-5 degrees centigrade, and there might be abrupt climate changes that would be very disruptive for society. The sea level will rise further and many coastal cities will be flooded. Island states are likely to disappear.
"Action is needed now and it is absolutely crucial that we build public support for such a challenge: without more significant actions the threshold may be reached in 2040" claims Emilia Lordi-Jantus, Secretary-General of the World Organization for International Relations.
"No one country alone can solve the problem but we know that all together it is feasible. We must try harder and let governments know that people are worried and expect changes" said Emilia Lordi-Jantus, former staff member of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and former staff member of World Food Programme (WFP) as well as founding member of the World Organization for International Relations (WOIR) in 1978.
"This year's decisions shape the next 24 years. We must decarbonize the world's energy systems, we must stop deforestation completely, we must limit the sprawling growth of cities, and we must grow enough food to feed the growing population," ends up Emilia Lordi-Jantus.
Founded in 1978 by initiative of Emilia Lordi-Jantus, former staff member of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and former staff member of the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Organization for International Relations (WOIR) is committed to promote and develop the International Relations worldwide and to maintaining world peace and security. The WOIR is an organization registered as international non-governmental organization (INGO) with the United Nations Department of Economical and Social Affairs. (Info: www.woirnet.org)
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