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giovedì 31 dicembre 2015

Bluewater Addresses Consumer Concerns About Tap Water Quality With New Range of Water Purifying Products Launching at KBIS 2016

Overland Park, Kansas, December 31, 2015 -- Bluewater, which sells its unique residential second-generation reverse osmosis water purifiers in key markets globally, will showcase its new U.S. product lineup at the Kitchen and Bathrooms Show in Las Vegas from January 19 – 21, 2016. At KBIS, Bluewater is showing its latest contemporary, point-of-use water purifiers that address consumer concerns about emerging contaminants in drinking water, including pesticides and herbicides, prescription drugs and detergents.

“A study by the NSF water standards organization showed 82 percent of consumer respondents reported they were concerned about new contaminants in drinking water, which is an issue Bluewater’s water purifiers are designed to address,” said Niclas Wullt, Managing Director of the Bluewater Group. He said Bluewater’s advanced Spirit and Pro water purifiers with SuperiorOsmosis™ technology inside address consumer concerns by removing most prescription drugs, over-the-counter prescriptions, detergents and new types of herbicides and pesticides that are now being increasingly found in residential drinking water.

Mr. Wullt said Bluewater will demonstrate its leadership role in delivering transformational point-of-use tap water delivery solutions for both home and kitchen use on its stand (N1475_NH) at the KBIS 2016 trade show. The company will reveal its fully re-designed water purifier product portfolio and demonstrate how Bluewater is exploring ways to move its residential water purifying solutions into the ‘Internet of Things’.

Bluewater is fully geared to meet the growing inadequacies in the planet’s urban water supply systems, ranging from increased pollution by pharmaceutical, agricultural fertilizer and other compounds to fast ageing, nineteenth century municipal residential water treatment and delivery infrastructures, according to Mr. Wullt.

“Over 80 percent of Americans live in towns and cities today, which places huge pressure on urban water cleaning and delivery systems, a problem Bluewater helps individual homewoners and businesses overcome with its patented second-generation reverse osmosis SuperiorOsmosis™ technology,” said Mr. Wullt.


- The U.S. Water Quality Association (WQA) says ‘water that leaves the treatment facility can become contaminated by the time it shows up at your tap’. The WQA view is supported by Consumer Reports that says ‘dangerous contaminants such as lead, chloroform, arsenic, nitrate, radon, and E. coli bacteria are common in tap water’.

- NSF International’s Water Quality Insight Survey was conducted by telephone among 1,014 adults, 509 men and 505 women, aged 18 years and older, living in the continental United States. Founded in 1944, NSF is a global independent organization that writes standards, and tests and certifies products for the water, food, health sciences and consumer goods industries. (

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