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sabato 12 dicembre 2015

Resource and Environmental Consultants Ltd steps up a gear and opens in 14th UK office

Resource and Environmental Consultants Ltd (REC) has opened a new office in the East Midlands bringing its total of locations throughout the UK to 14. The multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy has secured office space at Alconbury-Weald; a Cambridgeshire based project that is transforming a 1420 acre largely brownfield and gated site into a unique and inspiring place for working, living, learning and leisure.
The investment in the new office space follows a period of significant sales growth for REC as well as an ongoing commitment to the region. Alconbury Weald provides an excellent location from which to service its East Midlands and North London clients and also places REC at the heart of the dynamic Cambridgeshire economy.
Speaking about the new office space, REC managing director, Gary Winder said: "The new office at Alconbury Weald is testament to the success we have achieved over recent months which has seen both sales and profits grow. As well as being an excellent location from which to service our regional client base Alconbury Weald is also synergistic with our business. As an organisation which offers a range of environmental services it was important for us to find a location which has strong environmental features. Alconbury Weald not only ticks this box, as it incorporates a range of green technologies, but also reflects the innovative and science-based business that we are."
REC will be located in The Incubator at the Government backed Enterprise Campus that lies at the heart of the low carbon development of Alconbury Weald. The Incubator is the flagship building of the Campus and has been designed with a range of sustainable features to reflect the low carbon aspirations for the whole development.
The office will be led by James Patmore, regional director. He said: "Following the investment from Concept Life Sciences a little over a year ago we have been able to shift up a gear at REC; not only due to the additional resources but also the feeling of invigoration the business was given. Our ambitious growth strategy focusses on continuing to grow our activities in the East Midlands region with the target of, at least, doubling our business here during 2016. REC already has a positive reputation which has been built up over the past 17 years and we will continue to build on this during the coming months."

REC is a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy offering a diverse range of services to clients across the world. It is owned by the Concept Life Sciences Group and has 14 offices throughout the UK located in:
-          Glasgow (East Kilbride)
-          Northern Ireland (County Tyrone)
-          Dublin
-          Manchester
-          Port Talbot
-          Plymouth
-          Ediburgh
-          Birmingham
-          Swindon
-          Stanstead
-          Croydon
-          Southampton
-          London (Tottenham Court Road)
-          Cambridgeshire (Huntingdon)

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