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martedì 1 settembre 2015

Mobile Film Festival: Act on climate change in partnership with the UN and COP21

Acting on climate change is essential to you; you are aware of all new actions taken and event related to the subject: you should like the 11th edition of Mobile Film Festival : Act on Climate Change.

Each year, Mobile Film Festival aims at discovering young filmmakers, following a simple rule: 1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film. The challenge of the young talented competitors is to shoot a one-minute short-film with a mobile phone.

This 11th edition becomes international as we work in partnership with the United Nations and the Climate Change Conference (COP21) organized by the United Nations in France in December 2015. Filmmakers from all around the world will create and share their vision of climate change and sustainable development, as for the first time, we are imposing a theme to the 100 movies in official selection: ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE
Act on Climate Change - Mobile Film Festival 2015 :  CALL FOR FILMS 1

We believe this subject perfectly fits your editorial content, and that it would mobilize creators and filmmakers from your community who are willing to act on climate change in a civic and creative way.
Act on Climate Change - Mobile Film Festival 2015 - CALL FOR FILMS 2

We would thus be delighted to establish a partnership with your website, on this great occasion.

Please note that BNP Paribas will grant €30,000 to the Grand Prize. This grant will be dedicated to the production of a film within a year, with the help of an experimented producer. On previous editions, winners ended up gathering production budget ranging from €60,000 to €185,000 for their films.

We remain at your disposal to answer all your questions and define together the kind of partnership we could implement.

We are looking forward to reading you, in the mean time, you can follow Mobile Film Festival online.

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