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domenica 13 settembre 2015

The MOD70 Race for Water has capsized in the Indian Ocean, the crew is safe



On her way from the Koror Islands to Chagos Islands, in the Indian Ocean, the MOD70 Race for Water trimaran has capsized yesterday at 8:15PM (GMT +1), 90 miles South East from the Chagos Archipelago, as they were navigating by night with 18 to 20 knots of wind. Further information about the exact reasons of the accident will follow. The crew is safe and unhurt inside the upturned main hull. 

The shore team are working on solutions to recuperate both crew and yacht. Personnel at the military base in Diego Garcia, less than 100 miles away, have agreed to assist the team. No emergency beacon has been set off and no MayDay requested.

"MOD70 Race for Water" has been sailing around the world for the Race for Water Odyssey project, to highlight the impact of plastic pollution in the oceans. The professional team have already crossed the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and have an experienced crew onboard, composed of Stève Ravussin, Claude Thélier, Martin Gavériaux, Olivier Rouvillois and Marco Simeoni, expédition leader. They had already sailed more than 32,000 miles for the project. 

About the Race for Water Odyssey (R4WO) 

Initiated by the Race for Water foundation, the "Race for Water Odyssey" is a unique expedition that aims to draw up the first global assessment of plastic pollution in the ocean by visiting island beaches situated in the 5 trash vortexes. In less than 300 days, over 40,000 nautical miles will be traveled, punctuated by 11 scientific stopovers and 9 outreach stopovers, involving a total of 13 countries. The Race for Water Odyssey benefits from the support of ISAF, Duke University, Oregon State University, senseFly, Swisscom and Swissnex. 

About the Race for Water Foundation 

Founded in Lausanne in 2010, the "Race for Water" Foundation's mission is to preserve our planet's most valuable resource: water. The foundation is an officially recognized non-profit organization seeking to implement concrete and sustainable actions, focusing on two main themes: protecting oceans and freshwater. "Race for Water" initiates projects aimed at raising awareness and taking concrete action on the ground. These actions are directed at four target audiences: economic players, political bodies, the scientific community, and the general public—with particular emphasis on future generations. "Race for Water" collaborates with organizations such as UNESCO, UNEP, IUCN, WWF, and WBCSD. 

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