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lunedì 11 maggio 2015

Tuna and swordfish by Vietnamese Nha Trang Bay obtain Friend of the Sea certification

Nha Trang Bay Joint Stock Company – processing plant controlled by Hai Vuong Corporation – has achieved Friend of the Sea certification for seafood from sustainable fisheries. Tuna and swordfish from approved Friend of the Sea fleets and processed by Nha Trang Bay are now authorized to carry the Friend of the Sea eco-label.
The fish originates from stocks which are not considered to be overexploited according to the RFMOs latest assessments. Nha Trang Bay is also approved Dolphin-Safe for its tuna products by the Earth Island Institute.
Nha Trang Bay has a traceability system in place and it can demonstrate which products originate from the Friend of the Sea approved fleet. 
The company has also been audited according to Friend of the Sea social accountability requirements. More than 90% of the employees are locals. Compliance with safety, health and adequate salaries regulations have all been verified by the independent Friend of the Sea auditor and they are regularly inspected by the official controllers.
Friend of the Sea audit requirements are very strict so we are proud to have obtained the certification”, explains Mr. Nam, Chairman of Hai Vuong Corporation. “We will continue to rely on Friend of the Sea to improve our commitment to the marine environment and to social accountability.”

Nha Trang Bay Joint Stock Company
Nha Trang Bay Joint Stock Company with an area of 20,100 square meters, is comprised of five separate structures including an office building, a processing plant, a cooling storehouse, an accommodation building and a canteen. The processing plant is separately used for fresh/frozen and pre-cook products and equipped with 40 band saw machines, 5 airblast quick freezers, 1 steaming room, 1 CO room and 1 chiller room for treating CO. The cooling storehouse consisting of 3 seperate stores at -55oC with capacity 2,000MT. Nha Trang Bay is able to process about 80MT of raw materials each day.

Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international certification program for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Over 450 companies in more than 50 countries have relied on Friend of the Sea to assess the sustainability of their seafood origins. Audits, based on best and most updated available scientific data, are run by accredited independent certification bodies.

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