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sabato 30 aprile 2016

Polyeco International & Lamor Merge Global Service Operations into Polyeco Group, a Fully Integrated Environmental Services Company

Polyeco International and Lamor Corporation will merge their global divisions into Polyeco Group to form the largest world-wide environmental service provider.  Polyeco Group will offer a full spectrum of services including emergency response, training, recovery, remediation and waste management services across five continents with 20 operating entities.

The world-wide network Lamor has built over the last 30 years will provide the foundation to implement regional response networks that utilize in-country resources in conjunction with international support capabilities. Polyeco brings 40 years of experience in operating worldwide in some of the most difficult locations. By combining both Lamor's and Polyeco's capabilities the group will be able to offer a wide range of waste management and emergency response services backed by unparalleled expertise and experience. 

David Nazha, CEO of Polyeco Group, said, "The creation of Polyeco Group is a response to the changing landscape of our industry and is born out of recognition that service providers need to invest in enhanced services to offer cost-effective and streamlined solutions to our clients worldwide.  The fusion of comprehensive waste management services, oil spill response, HNS and hazmat services with facilities, assets and personnel across the Middle East, Far East, North and South America and Europe, with a flexible approach to providing solutions to our clients' requirements will make Polyeco Group the largest full-coverage emergency response and waste services provider."

Fred Larsen, CEO & President of Lamor Corporation, added, "Key Lamor personnel will join Polyeco Group to provide expertise and support global service businesses.  Lamor will continue to develop cutting-edge oil spill response equipment and response solutions in-line with our long-term growth strategy. 

Athanasios Polychronopoulos, the Executive Chairman of Polyeco Group, commented, "We at Polyeco have worked tirelessly, since the inception of the company nearly 40 years ago, to continually invest and adapt to market demands.  This merger signifies another phase in our long history and shows our continued development and commitment to providing a large range of waste management and environmental solutions customized to our global clientele.  At our core, we remain a family-owned company as is Lamor.  Both businesses uphold principles and standards based on quality work and decades of experience maintaining a flexible approach to customer-driven solutions.  Lamor has established a trusted and widespread network of quality services and this addition to the Polyeco Group family will result in a synergistic alliance new to the industry."


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