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martedì 27 ottobre 2015


A British engineering firm has installed its innovative power generation technology at a waste incineration plant in the North East of the UK, allowing it to produce free electricity using its own excess and previously lost heat.

Heliex Power designs, manufactures and supplies Steam Expander Systems that generate electricity using waste heat and steam used in industrial processes.  

Their client, one of the UK's leading healthcare waste services providers, will benefit from annual electricity savings of around £ 120,000, thanks to the integration of Heliex's patented technology, which will generate 1,352 MWh per year.

The waste heat to power project is the first of its kind in the clinical waste incineration sector.

Dan Wright, CEO, Heliex Power, said: "We're delighted that our client has installed a Heliex Power Steam Expander System as part of its on-going commitment to energy saving and on-site efficiency. Our technology is ideally suited to projects where there is an abundance of waste heat as we can harness it in a cost effective and reliable way, resulting in lower energy bills and less reliance on energy from fossil fuels for our clients."

Based on a steam screw expander, the Heliex System is a novel rotary device that recovers energy from different heat sources. Clients so far include the food industry, chemicals manufacturers, steel mills, glass plants and distilleries across Europe.

In this project the Heliex system is incorporated into the sites existing process for cooling the incineration furnace gasses, which can reach temperatures of 1000°C.  Once cooled the gasses are made safe before being released to the atmosphere.

Dan explained: "A heat exchanger is used to absorb the heat from the furnace gasses to heat water, which is turned into steam.  This steam will go through the Heliex system, where it will be used to generate electricity, before being condensed to water and then returned to the heat exchanger to start the process again. It's a highly efficient way of utilising heat from the furnace gasses, which would otherwise be wasted."

Heliex Power's company headquarters are in East Kilbride, Scotland and it currently employs 23 people based across the UK and in Italy.



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