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martedì 14 giugno 2016

Eco Expo Asia 2016 adopts new theme: “Green Solutions for a Changing Climate”

Government-backed measures and subsidies boost green development in Asia

The 11th edition of Eco Expo Asia will run from 26 – 29 October 2016 at Hong Kong's AsiaWorld-Expo. Organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and co-organised by the Environment Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the expo is a gateway to the growing green market in Asia. It is widely recognised by the Hong Kong, Chinese mainland and various international government bodies as well as trade associations. The 2015 edition attracted a record-breaking number of 320 exhibitors and 12,385 trade visitors from 97 countries and regions.

In response to the notable Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, this year's expo will open with the new theme "Green Solutions for a Changing Climate". The fair will provide green solutions to governments and the industry to help them achieve their sustainability goals.

Mr Wong Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSAR Government, reinforced Hong Kong's determination to become a low-carbon city as well as highlighted green goals shared between the expo and the government earlier at a networking luncheon. He said: "We see Eco Expo Asia as an effective platform for Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and other regions to cooperate and work towards achieving the common goal of promoting environmental protection."

The fair will again feature the "Theme Day" concept in which each day will be complemented by corresponding business events, conferences and workshops of a specific topic. The concept aims to highlight related products and solutions to facilitate effective sourcing. The themes to be covered this year include:

•    26 Oct: Global Innovations for Climate Change
•    27 Oct: Waste Management
•    28 Oct: Sustainable Energies and Buildings
•    29 Oct: Green Living

Companies showcasing their latest climate management solutions at this year's expo include DELABIE and Environnement S.A from France, FSE Environmental Technologies Group Limited, REC Green Technologies, Robin Energy and The China Engineers from Hong Kong as well as SK Kaken from Japan, while ALBA Integrated Waste Solutions from Germany, Baguio from Hong Kong, Donasonic from the UK and Envac from Sweden will demonstrate their expertise in waste management. In addition, the fair also marks the debut of the Finland Pavilion and the return of the Switzerland Pavilion. The Canada Pavilion, led by Government of Ontario and Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong, will again gather a group of green-tech companies to unveil their innovations at the 2016 edition.

A regular exhibitor, China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection (Hong Kong) Investment Co Ltd, will return to the fair again. This year, it aims to give a more comprehensive demonstration of its environmental technologies as well as its achievements in solid waste management. Representative of the company's Colligation and Management Department said that last year's show has helped them attract quality buyers and increased brand awareness. Companies from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and South Asia have approached them on the first day and showed great interest in their products. The spokesman also believed that with the fair's geographical advantage, it could draw buyers not only from Asia but also South America and Africa.

Government-backed measures and subsidies boost green development in Asia

With commitment to the Paris Agreement, world governments have set ambitious emission reduction targets that give impetus to environmental protection. The Chinese mainland and other countries in Asia are not only rolling out measures to cope with climate change, but are also taking aggressive actions to manage waste problems and to reduce the reliance on non-fossil fuels.

The Chinese mainland, the world's top greenhouse gas emitter, pledged to drastically reduce carbon emissions and increase its clean energy ratio in its 13th Five-Year Plan. The country's cumulative investment in non-fossil fuels and low-carbon technologies is forecast to exceed USD 6.26 trillion by 2030. Meanwhile, the Belt and Road Initiative will also bring about new green solutions that will help the Chinese mainland meet its environmental goals as it deepens trade ties with 64 countries.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong also aims to tackle its long-standing waste problems and surging energy consumption. Apart from dedicating a USD 129 million recycling fund to cut waste, Hong Kong is also determined to reduce energy intensity by 40% by 2025 in the city's first Energy Saving Plan. Some of the measures include implementing higher green building standards, using sustainable building technologies and lauching energy-saving measures.

Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is one of the world's leading trade fair organisers, generating around €645* million in sales and employing 2,297* people. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 29 subsidiaries and 57 international Sales Partners, allowing it to serve its customers on location in more than 160 countries. Messe Frankfurt events take place at more than 40 locations around the globe. In 2015, Messe Frankfurt organised a total of 132* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.
Comprising an area of 592,127 square metres, Messe Frankfurt's exhibition grounds are home to ten exhibition halls. The company also operates two congress centres. The historic Festhalle, one of the most popular venues in Germany, plays host to events of all kinds. Messe Frankfurt is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40.

*Preliminary numbers (2015)


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