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martedì 14 giugno 2016

Mega-storage. Infinite energy. Stable grid. - KACO new energy introduces the blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 bi-directional battery inverter.

Neckarsulm, 14. June 2016 – KACO new energy is opening up a whole new dimension with the blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3: a storage solution in the megawatt-class. The unit assists utility companies, distribution grid operators, EPCs and large companies to balance energy generation and consumption on the power grid.

The blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 is a bidirectional battery inverter with a rated power of 1,000 kVA. By charging and discharging batteries it helps frequency regulation by means of static grid support and also offers a Fault Ride Through function. It thus contributes to the stability of the grid at every instant. The "grid" in question could be the national grid, or the grid-tied power supply of a small town or industrial facility. The size of the storage system can be scaled to requirements. Thanks to its technical features, the inverter is of course suitable for large-scale peak shaving, too. For this purpose, local conditions and needs should be checked in detail on site.

The blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 communicates via Modbus and Sunspec. These, widespread, non-proprietory protocols and languages enable the use of a large number of control systems to regulate the battery inverter. Individual storage system requirements can then easily be met. EPCs in particular, often aim at the implementation of a specific controller solution and are free when it comes to their own system design.

The blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 is compatible with all common battery technologies. Another advantage is the flexible composition of the energy mix: the blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 is compatible with conventional energy sources, just as it is with wind and photovoltaic.

Valuable experience, gained by KACO new energy in a large grid management project with the Korean state utility company, Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO), contributed to the final design of this new product.

The blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 will be launched in the USA in the second half of 2016, where it has already met with considerable interest. The European market launch will follow soon afterwards. Large companies with high energy consumption have already enquired as to how they can optimise their self-consumption in future with this new blueplanet.

Ralf Hofmann, CEO of KACO new energy, classified the position of the blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 in the energy system as follows: "One regularly hears that storage units would form the backbone of decentral energy supply. Now we all know that a strong back needs strong muscles. With this high-tech product we are so-to-speak, supplying the strong muscles for the backbone of the energy turnaround."

The strong muscle of the energy turnaround: The blueplanet gridsave 1000 TL3 bi-directional battery inverter works for grid stability, as well as for peak shaving and large-scale self-consumption. Photo:

Über KACO new energy
KACO new energy is amongst the world's largest manufacturers of solar inverters. With offices in 16 countries, the company offers inverters for every array size from the smallest homes to the largest solar farms of hundreds of Megawatts. KACO new energy is based in Neckarsulm, near Stuttgart, Germany and the production facilities there, in the Americas and Asia have supplied around eight Gigawatts of inverters since 1999. The company was the first inverter manufacturer to achieve fully carbon-neutral production and is rapidly heading towards power self-sufficiency. KACO new energy also supplies energy storage systems and battery inverters, as well as inverters for PV-Diesel hybrid systems and combined heat and power plants. In 2014, KACO new energy celebrated the centenary of the original company which was one of the first suppliers of inverters in the late 1930s. 


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