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giovedì 16 giugno 2016

Sweden’s Bluewater Water Purifier Brand Showcases New, High Efficiency Whole House Filtration Systems At Shanghai’s 2016 Aquatech Trade Show

Bluewater - Jun 15, 2016 23:31 EDT

Bluewater founder Bengt Rittri pours a glass of purified water from a point-of-use Bluewater water purifier.

Shanghai, June 16, 2016 – Sweden's Bluewater water purification brand today used the Shanghai 2016 Aquatech water industry trade show to debut new water purification systems designed to deliver home users purified water for drinking, washing dishes and clothes, and taking a bath or shower. Bluewater's customizable whole house filtration systems mean householders across China fearful of their tap water quality can enjoy the health and wellness benefits of cleaner, fresher water with dramatically reduced particles and contaminants from every faucet.
"Using patented second-generation reverse osmosis technology, Bluewater's Spirit and Pro point-of-use appliances are designed to deliver the world's most efficient tap water cleaning and direct flow technology, removing most known pollutants in water, including lead and nitrates," said Mr. Bengt Rittri, Bluewater's founder. He said the latest whole house systems from Bluewater were designed to meet consumer peace-of-mind demands for residential water free of contaminants ranging from limescale to toxic metals, chemicals and disease-carrying bacteria. 
The new systems harness Bluewater's innovative and powerful direct flow Spirit and Pro water purifiers that have won global acclaim for their second generation technology, state-of-the-art contamination-removing performance and sleek design. The Bluewater Pro water purifier generates 52 gallons of cleansed tap drinking water every hour, 24/7, while using 82% less water than a traditional reverse osmosis water purifier, for example. 
Bluewater's whole house solution harness state-of-the-art, point-of-entry water softeners and direct flow water purifiers to help ensure clean, soft water on demand and extended appliance life by reducing contaminants and scale buildup. The compact water purifiers use unique SuperiorOsmosis™ filtration technology innovated in Sweden and designed for use in home and commercial environments, including houses, apartments, restaurants and schools or hospitals. 
Bluewater water purifiers are engineered to remove toxins, chlorine, bacteria and viruses, toxic metals, fluoride, nitrate, and organic compounds from tap drinking water. Two Bluewater Pro units have been used continuously since mid-January by two community centers in the U.S. town of Flint, Michigan, to supply thousands of gallons of water to local citizens hit by hazardous levels of lead in their drinking water.
Bluewater's patented filtration technologies capture practically everything down to 0.0001 micron (that's 500,000 times less than the diameter of a human hair). A Bluewater Pro can deliver 1,248 gallons of purified water per day, which equals 4,726 one-liter (33.8 fl.oz) bottles of water over 24 hours, and meet the average daily water consumption need of 2,363 people.
"Thanks to their unparalleled performance, Bluewater's point-of-use water purifiers not only make a health difference every day for people who want to avoid contaminated drinking water but also contribute to a cleaner environment by slashing the need for plastic bottles of water," said Bengt Rittri.
Bluewater water purifiers are available through a growing network of dealers across China as well as from online stores.

With over 761 international exhibitors, Aquatech China is a 3-day event held from June 15 to June 18, 2016, at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, China. The event showcases products that bring together the worlds of water technology and water management.


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