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venerdì 6 novembre 2015

Minesto CEO Anders Jansson upon COP21: “Marine energy can become an important export business for many countries”

[Gothenburg, Sweden, November 6, 2015] Our oceans are one of the world's largest untapped renewable energy sources. Managed properly by the politicians, marine energy is predicted to be the fastest growing climate neutral energy form in the coming 20 years. “Many politicians need to take their responsibility and raise the ambitions for the upcoming COP21 in Paris”, said Anders Jansson, CEO of world leading marine energy company Minesto.

According to leading experts, companies and investors the fossil fuel industry is regarded as a vanishing sector. Partly because solar and wind energy already today can produce electricity at a low cost without causing a negative impact on the climate. A third renewable sector, marine energy, is rapidly expanding, as the EU has quadrupled the budget from the Seventh Framework Programme that ended in 2013 to the New Horizon in 2020.

This is excellent and important news, according to Anders Jansson. But at the same time he calls for more coordinated actions by the EU member states.

“Looking at Sweden, for instance, The Swedish Energy Agency will invest EUR 5.7 million in marine energy between 2015-2018. It is a twentieth of what the Wales Government will invest between 2015-2019”, he said.  “Sweden, on the other hand, has a number of leading companies in the wave and tidal sector, which with the right support, could create thousands of new jobs and a new export sector.”

By increasing the support, marine energy is to play an important role significantly faster in the pursuit of a fossil free society, according to Anders Jansson.

“I primarily call for a guarantee fund to facilitate customers to buy the first demonstration projects”, he said. “ By supporting the first sales, companies will become quickly self-sufficient, which is the biggest challenge for start-up companies with new energy technologies”, said Anders Jansson.

Anders Jansson, who has been in the industry for the past ten years, is optimistic about the climate summit in Paris, November 30th to December 11th. He believes that a new climate agreement will be signed, which in turn also will increase the potential of marine energy significantly.

Minesto recently announced a decision on listing on the NASDAQ First North at Stockholm, adding EUR 15.5 million to the company. Earlier this year Minesto secured an investment of EUR 13 million from the European Regional Development Funds through Wales Government, and recently KIC InnoEnergy decided to invest EUR 3.5 million in the company. The Swedish company is now prepared to become one the first companies in the world to build a commercial marine power plant array in Holyhead Deep, Wales that initially will be able to supply electricity to the equivalent of 8,000 households and create local jobs in both construction and operational phase.

About Minesto
Minesto is a marine energy company whose mission is to minimize the global footprint of the energy industry by enabling commercial power production from low velocity tidal and ocean currents.

Minesto’s award winning and patented product, Deep Green, is the only proven marine power plant that operates cost efficiently in areas with low velocity currents.

In May 2015, Minesto secured a €13m investment from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government for the commercial rollout of Deep Green.

Minesto was founded in 2007 and is based in Gothenburg, Sweden, Anglesey, Wales and Northern Ireland. The major shareholders in Minesto are BGA Invest and Midroc New Technology. Anders Jansson is the company’s CEO. Read more about Minesto at

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