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martedì 10 novembre 2015

PlanetSolar SA transmet l’exploitation du bateau solaire et se consacre à la réalisation de solutions innovantes visant l’autonomie énergétique


November 10, 2015 – Lausanne (Switzerland)
PlanetSolar SA is handing over the operation of the solar boat and devoting itself to offering innovative solutions aimed at energy independence.

As announced in April, the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar, the world’s largest solar boat, was donated to the “Race for Water” Foundation, which is preparing her for new expeditions in the service of ocean preservation. After a period of transition and sharing of experiences, the PlanetSolar teams are pleased to be handing over the keys to the ship today. The teams will now be able to focus on the company’s new activities: consulting, services, and the sale of concepts pertaining to energy independence.
PlanetSolar SA will remain in charge of the boat’s energy system and subsequent developments.
“After more than 7 fulfilling and wonderful years, we are pleased to be able to make the most of the substantial experience we have acquired throughout the design, the optimization, and the operation of the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar, and to offer our services for projects that require tailor-made energy solutions,” said Pascal Goulpié, CEO and co-founder of PlanetSolar SA. “The experience acquired in solar navigation will help serve a sector that must reduce its gas emissions and its environmental impact.”

New start, new investor
“PlanetSolar SA’s extensive network and strong international reputation in political, institutional, and commercial spheres—as well as the teams’ experience managing complex projects—convinced me to invest in the company,” said Marco Simeoni, new majority shareholder of the company. “It is very promising, in my opinion, to promote this brand in favor of projects that aim to reduce our energy dependence, particularly in the maritime sector.”
A new website has gone up online, detailing the company’s service offerings.
The Swiss company has positioned itself as the market leader of autonomous installations “in hostile environments” such as oceans (ships), isolated areas, remote islands for examples.

About PlanetSolar SA
Backed by an internationally-renowned brand, and benefiting from substantial experience, PlanetSolar SA is now proffering its expertise in the service of civil society and the economy in order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and eventually achieve energy independence.
To do this, PlanetSolar SA—surrounded by strategic partners—identifies, selects, and combines the most suitable sources of renewable energy and couples them with the most appropriate storage systems (lithium-ion batteries and/or electrolysis of water to power a fuel cell).
PlanetSolar SA is an incorporated Swiss company founded in 2008 with a view to demonstrate that mankind has the technologies, resources, and expertise required to completely eliminate the use of fossil fuels.
With this conviction in mind, in 2012 PlanetSolar completed the first trip around the world powered exclusively by solar energy thanks to the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar, the largest solar boat ever built.
To succeed in this emblematic demonstration—still unparalleled to this day—PlanetSolar was able to mobilize and bring together strong skills from many fields, such as engineering, project management, risk analysis, fundraising, marketing, and communication.

About the Race for Water Foundation 
The Race for Water Foundation is an organisation dedicated to the preservation of water. The Foundation aims to identify, promote and help implement plastic waste revaluation solutions and to create new sources of income for the people most affected by pollution. Using an innovative approach inspired by the principals of a circular economy and social entrepreneurship, Race for Water Foundation seeks to reintegrate plastic waste in the economy and prevent the plastic pollution of our waterways. From November 23 until December 12, the Foundation will be in Paris, on the occasion of the COP21 with its ambassador, the Race for Water solar vessel, and will symbolically bring the ocean to the international forum.

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