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martedì 3 novembre 2015

German KD Pharma Omega-3 from sustainable fish oils obtains Friend of the Sea certification

KD Pharma – leading producer of highly purified Omega-3 fatty acids – has been found to be compliant with Friend of the Sea standards and it can now display the Friend of the Sea eco-label on its Omega-3 bulk oils and supplements. 
The fish oil is provided only by Friend of the Sea approved suppliers, from trimmings of squids, cod and tuna processing and from anchovies and sardines.
KD Pharma has invested over the years considerable resources in developing sustainable practices, such a rainwater recovery for cooling purposes; thermal energy from waster oil; liquid solvent from recyclable natural alcohol and not from chemical origin.
A chain of custody is in place and effective, from the fishery to the processing of the finished product. This guarantees that no mixing between approved and non-approved sources occurs. 
“This is an important milestone for KD Pharma, emphasizing not only our excellence in Omega-3 manufacturing, but also underscoring KD Pharma’s commitment to sustainability and preserving marine environments.  Environmental impact and sustainability have always played an important role in KD Pharma's approach to business. Minimizing waste and improving overall efficiency are cornerstones of the organization,” says René Kamminga, Vice President Nutrition & Business Development, KD Pharma. “The Friend of the Sea certification is very important to KD Pharma because it acknowledges our commitment to sustainable fishing practices and our sense of responsibility concerning natural resources.”

KD Pharma Bexbach GMBH 
KD Pharma prides itself in being “The Omega-3 Solution Experts™.”  KD Pharma was founded in 1988 by two German chemists with a focus on separation technology. Their patented Super Critical Fluid process gently extracts and purifies Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids such as fish oil. Today KD Pharma employs the largest repertoire of state-of-the-art purification technologies in the industry. These technologies provide the unique flexibility to selectively produce KD-Pür® Omega-3 oil concentrates with purity as high as 99%. KD Pharma’s Omega-3 oils are produced in a cGMP manufacturing facility with one of the largest Omega-3 concentrate capacities in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical markets.

Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international certification program for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Over 450 companies in more than

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